(塑钢土)Bondite Epoxy Putty 60gm Multi-Purpose Wet & Dry Epoxy Putty Filler  60gm

(塑钢土)Bondite Epoxy Putty 60gm Multi-Purpose Wet & Dry Epoxy Putty Filler 60gm

Category: BONDITE

20 cm (Length) x 15 cm (Width) x 5 cm (Height)
Bondite Epoxy Putty

-- After kneading evenly, it is used to seal the leakage of pipes, drainage pipes, flowerpots, faucets, etc.

-- Can bond a variety of materials, including metal, wood, glass, ceramics, fiberglass, stone, and many hard plastics. Used for filling and repairing.

--Easy to use: Simply cut, hand kneads until the color becomes uniform, and apply to the damaged area then all you do is let It dry.

-- 3-5 minutes: mixing time, mixing evenly. 5 minutes to 24 hours: long curing time and rapid increase of hardness. After 24 hours: completely hardened and permanently fixed.

-- The working temperature of the product is between - 50 ℃ and 120 ℃, and the rest is kept in a dry and cool place.

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